12 October 2019

Phall Pholiage Foto Run

Fall is well and truly under way in our corner of Germany. After a good 10 days or so of cold rain, the weather cleared, and warmed up, in time for the weekend. Anne and I went out for a couple runs this morning. It's more than one, because Anne ran hers and I, nursing an aging knee back into shape, shuffled mine.

But that's okay, because I was there for the sights, smells, and sensations as much as for the run. After the first hundred meters running together, I made the first of many stops for pictures of the exploding colors. Anne continued on her way and I didn't see her again until I drove home a few hours later (she ran home).

After the first five miles, I stopped for a beer at a forest Gaststätte, to look through my photos, soak in the sun, and wave away the many bees warmly buzzing around the dishes of cakes and torts the clientele were enjoying on the terrace.

Then I beer-burped the last mile back to the car, collecting pretty leaves on the way.

Here are ten keepers from this perfect morning (click on a photo and use the left/right arrow keys to scroll):

I call this one "Adam and God"

1 comment:

  1. What a perfect and delicious fall day! This makes me miss Germany and weekends spend at Bärensee. And good beer!
