...Their Names, That Is
The other day, a Dutch acquaintance was describing an area where she walks her dog and also takes many nice pictures (the two in this post belong to her). She lives in Alexanderlaan, and the dog-walking area is called Laapersheide. She noted that Dutch
heide is English “heather”. And...
of course it is! It makes perfect sense. I should have seen that connection before. German has
Heide, too. I’ve always thought of it as meaning “meadow”, without connecting it with any English cognates like “heather”.
But now my Dutch friend pointed it out, and that set me to thinking.
Heather is also a girl’s name in English. Are there names in German that correspond? And then — Can anyone say
“Grandfather! Grandfather!”? Yes, I’d put money on
Heidi being the German equivalent of English Heather as a girl’s name. (Remember, I’m speculating here... It’s no fun looking it up straight away.)
Heidi = Heather may not be news to anyone else, but I found it sufficiently fascinating to keep me awake a little longer as I floated off to sleep last night to a Frank Zappa guitar solo.* I started to reflect on girls’ names in general, because, when you think about it, there are some interesting trends. Off the top of my head, I’ve come up with the following observations.
We seem to associate girls and women with the springtime of the year — or at least the nicest part in the northern hemisphere:
Julie. It’s true we have at least one
January (
Jones), but I don’t think that counts as a trend.**
Aside from thinking of them seasonally, we tend to think girls are virtuous (or maybe we engage in magical thinking by naming them so):
Hope (and
They can be musical:
One thing is certain: Girls are both loved (
Amy) and glorious (
Gloria). But what are we to think of parents who saddle their little girl-babe with pain and suffering (
Back to Heather. Are there other similar features we like to use in christening the wee lasses? I’m going through geo- words like river, woods, valley, ridge, hills, falls, cascade, butte (oh no!), torrent, crag, peak, summit, grass, pond, hay, barley, yucca, dune, brook (hey!
Brooke!), stream, field, meadow, cliff, mud-slide... Not hitting anything besides Brooke here. And maybe
Dale. Oh, and
Lake (
Bell, but I think she's more a one-off like January Jones).
Maybe Heather led me astray, toward topographical features. I should have been looking to botany for her compadres (commadres?):
Iris... Flowers rein supreme in naming our little blossoms. And Heather is, I suppose, a sort of flower.
Time to look her up. My OED gives us this:
heather (n.), early 14c., hathir, from O.E. *hæddre, Scottish or northern England dialect name for Calluna vulgaris, probably altered by heath, but real connection to that word is unlikely [Liberman]. Perhaps originally Celtic.
Note the highlighted text above. Liberman must have been smoking something botanical. Read on:
heath (n.), O.E. hæð "tract of wasteland," earlier "heather," influenced by O.N. heiðr "field," from P.Gmc. *khaithijo (cf. O.S. hetha, O.H.G. heida "heather," Du. heide "heath," Goth. haiþi "field"), from PIE *kait- "open, unplowed country" (cf. O.Ir. ciad, Welsh coed, Breton coet "wood, forest").
I know naming trends follow waves that might be inexplicable (though Steven Pinker makes some good stabs at explicking them in
The Stuff of Thought). But what's interesting about these girl-name tendencies is that the name classes cross different generational waves; the flowers, say, are not all in vogue at the same time. And there doesn't seem to be an equivalent number of name classes for boys. That is, classes of nouns (flowers, virtues, car models or whatever) that serve as names for boys.
I haven’t found any deep-seated sociological meanings to the girl-naming trends, but I do I think it’s pretty clear that
Heidi probably is Heather.
And on that note, here's another Dutch heather picture to enjoy:
* It was either “Watermelon in Easter Hay” or “Things That Look Like Meat”
** Month-wise, August is an exception that proves the rule. August is a man’s name but it doesn’t invalidate this train of thought, because the name of the month comes from the name of the emperor, who took his name from a Latin adjective meaning “venerable”.
Abbreviations page updated.]